About this exhibition

Theme of this exhibition

Although most people are familiar with the daily persecutions endured by people during World War II, the mistreatment of Sinti and Roma was not discussed until many years after the war, including in their own communities. This exhibition tells the stories of nine children. For example, there is the girl who, for 50 years, was regarded as a symbol of the persecution of the Jews, but who turned out to be Sinti. Or the child, around the same age, who managed to survive the medical experiments performed on Roma and Sinti children. Together, these nine very different stories give us an impression of the events of that period. What exactly happened during this forgotten genocide?


Changing exhibitions

To draw attention to certain aspects of World War II, the website tweedewereldoorlog.nl always offers a temporary online exhibition, along with a wealth of information sources. The themes highlighted can also be used for school projects during the period of the exhibition. You can also look up previous exhibitions on